

Date: 2015-06-22

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Clovis Oncology (USA - CO)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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* On June 22, 2015, Clovis Oncology announced that Dr. Lindsey Rolfe, BSc, MB ChB, MRCP, FFPM, has been named Chief Medical Officer and Executive Vice President of Clinical and Preclinical Development and Pharmacovigilance, to become effective in early August. Dr. Rolfe succeeds Dr. Andrew Allen, who will be stepping down from his role at Clovis at that time to create a new immuno-oncology focused biotechnology company and serve as its Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Rolfe joined Clovis in early 2010 and oversees rociletinib and rucaparib development in her current role as Senior Vice President of Clinical Development.

Prior to her appointment as Executive VP and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Rolfe served as Senior Vice President of Clinical Development at Clovis. Dr. Rolfe previously served in senior oncology development roles at Celgene Corporation, Pharmion Corporation, Cambridge Antibody Technology, UCB Inc. and Celltech Group plc. She has specialist accreditation in pharmaceutical medicine. As Chief Medical Officer at Clovis, Dr. Rolfe will be responsible for clinical development, preclinical development, clinical operations and pharmacovigilance and will also serve on the Company’s executive committee. She will be based in the Company’s San Francisco office.

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Is general: Yes