

Date: 2015-04-08

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: recombinant botulinum neurotoxin proteins

Company: Ipsen (France) Hannover Medical School (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Endocrinological diseases - Neurological diseases

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Disease: cancers, endocrinological diseases, neurological diseases


* On April 8, 2015, Ipsen, a global specialty-driven pharmaceutical company, and Hannover Medical School announced that they have entered into a joint research collaboration agreement (signed last September). The objective is to develop new therapeutics for patients with serious neurological, endocrinological or oncological diseases. The research program aims at testing recombinant botulinum neurotoxin proteins to affect intracellular molecular pathways with targeted secretion inhibitors (TSIs). Ipsen’s proprietary platform of TSI proteins is selectively able to deliver neurotoxin endopeptidase into defined target cells and inhibit pathological secretion from that cell. This technology is based upon the endopeptidase activity found within clostridial (botulinum) neurotoxins, which cleaves SNARE proteins that have a fundamental role in vesicular cell secretion.
Dr Thomas Binz at the Hannover Medical School is a world renowned expert in botulinum neurotoxins with extensive expertise in the molecular engineering and recombinant expression of these proteins. He is leading research to develop novel screening assays to test mutant botulinum neurotoxins with novel SNARE protein cleavage activities. Under the terms of the agreement, Ipsen will support research in Dr Binz’s laboratory for thirty months; and Hannover Medical School will receive R&D milestone payments and royalties on sales for any medical treatment emerging from the collaborative programme.

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