

Date: 2015-04-01

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: programs in the areas of neuroendocrine tumors, neuromuscular disorders, and platform technologies related to toxins and peptides

Company: Ipsen (France) Harvard University (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Neuromuscular diseases - Endocrinological diseases

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Action mechanism:

Disease: neuroendocrine tumors, neuromuscular disorders


* On April 1, 2015, Ipsen announced that it has signed a multi-year research alliance agreement with Harvard University in Cambridge. Designed to stimulate new research projects, the alliance will enable researchers at Ipsen and Harvard to identify and develop collaborative programs in the areas of neuroendocrine tumors, neuromuscular disorders, and platform technologies related to toxins and peptides. The agreement builds upon the success of an existing, three-year program initiated in July 2013: supported by Ipsen, the Harvard laboratory of Dr. Min Dong is engineering novel recombinant botulinum toxin molecules that may improve upon the therapeutic characteristics of existing treatments for neuromuscular tremors and spasms.

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Is general: Yes