

Date: 2015-07-16

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Oncodesign (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Technology - Services

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* On July 16, 2015, Oncodesign, a biotechnology company serving the pharmaceutical industry in the discovery of new therapeutic molecules to fight cancer and other serious illnesses with no known efficient treatment, announced the creation of its Scientific Advisory Board which includes 6 renowned scientists and clinicians. The Scientific Advisory Board will provide high-level advisory support, recommendations for the discovery programmes on next-generation kinase inhibitors based on the Nanocyclix technology, and strategic options involving Oncodesign technologies. Jan Hoflack, Chief Scientific Officer of Oncodesign, will chair and lead the Scientific Advisory Board meetings, to be scheduled at least twice a year.
Members of the Oncodesign Scientific Advisory Board are:
- Ed Roberts, PhD, is a medicinal chemist with over 30 years’ experience in both industrial and academic R&D on new drugs covering numerous therapeutic areas. He has held executive positions at Parke-Davis, AstraZeneca and Roche, where he was senior vice-president of all discovery chemistry. He has been involved in the development of several molecules that successfully completed their clinical stage development and market launch. His latest developments are currently in phase III for multiple myeloma and Crohn’s disease. Ed Roberts currently holds the position of professor of translational medicinal chemistry at the Scripps
Research Institute, La Jolla, California.
- Sergio Roman-Roman, PharmD, PhD, is director of translational research at Institut Curie in Paris, where he coordinates the preclinical oncology programs and heads a group of scientists and physicians involved in research on uveal melanoma. Before that, he held various scientific positions at Institut Gustave Roussy, Roussel-Uclaf, Aventis, and Proskelia Pharmaceuticals. He is the author or co-author of over 60 peerreviewed scientific articles.
- Michel Janicot holds a PhD in biochemistry from the Paris VII University. He has been involved for over 20 years in multiple pharmaceutical laboratories, such as Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) and Sanofi, where he led international multidisciplinary teams working on the preclinical and clinical development of small molecules or biologics to treat cancer. Since May 2012, he has had his own consultancy firm serving international biotechnology companies, government agencies and investors to develop R&D projects in oncology, inflammation, immunology, ophthalmology and fibrosis.
- Jean-Yves Bonnefoy, PhD, is an immunologist. He held management positions for over 20 years at GSK, Pierre Fabre and then Transgene. He also initiated and ran the cancer centre of excellence Cancéropôle Lyon RhôneAlpes from 2002 to 2005. Jean-Yves Bonnefoy is currently CEO of Anagenesis Biotechnologies, member of the investment committee of the technology transfer acceleration company Conectus Alsace and of the steering committee of Matwin, member of the scientific advisory boards of iTeos Therapeutics and Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, and board member of the biotech companies Anagenesis Biotechnologies, Syndivia and SILABE and of the ESBS school of engineering. He is the author or co-author of over 230 peer-reviewed scientific articles and reviews.
- Professor Pierre Fumoleau is a world-renowned oncologist. Before holding the position of director of the Georges-François Leclerc cancer centre in Dijon, he was in charge of translational and medical oncology research units at the Centre Georges-François Leclerc and the Centre René Gauducheau in Nantes. Since 1996, he has been acting as president of the early clinical trials group of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). He had led major clinical trials on most of the new cancer
therapies discovered in the past 30 years.
- Mats Bergström holds a degree in mathematics, physics and medical physics. He participated in the development of one of the first PET cameras at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. He was also appointed director of the preclinical laboratory at the Uppsala PET centre in Sweden, director of the PET program at Novartis, then director of biology and imaging expert at GSK, before joining Roche as senior expert in imaging sciences. Mats Bergström is world-renowned expert on PET tracer research. He initiated over 80 clinical trials on new PET tracers.

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