

Date: 2015-03-02

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Ipsen (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Endocrinological diseases

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* On March 2, 2015, Ipsen announced that Dominique Laymand has been appointed Senior Vice President, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer for the Ipsen group, effective as of 16th of March. She will report directly to Marc de Garidel, Chairman and CEO of Ipsen. Dominique Laymand will be a member of the Chairman’s Committee. Dominique Laymand was previously Vice President Compliance and Ethics of BMS. As such, and since 2004, she set up and managed the compliance and ethics program at BMS for Europe, Middle East, Africa, Turkey and Russia. This program is based on an integrated approach for supporting operational risks prevention and mitigation, as well as on high standards of Business Integrity.
Dominique Laymand is the President of ETHICS, an association that gathers international Ethics and Compliance experts in the Healthcare sector. She is also President of the Compliance Committee of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and at the French Pharmaceutical Industry Association (Leem). Dominique received her Business Law Degree (DESS-DJCE) from Montpellier University in 1983 and her Health Law Degree in Sceaux University in 1996.

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