

Date: 2015-04-24

Type of information: Opening of new premises

Compound: new headquarters at the Gosselies Biopark

Company: Bone Therapeutics (Belgium)

Therapeutic area: Bone diseases - Regenerative medicine

Type agreement: opening of new premises

Action mechanism:



  • • On April 24, 2015, Bone Therapeutics announced the official opening of its new headquarters at the Gosselies Biopark in Belgium. Bone Therapeutics is undertaking a phased move to the new site which will eventually host all of its operational activities. The administrative and R&D departments will move in the coming days. In mid-2016, the production activities will also be transferred to the new facilities, where initially two manufacturing units will be available. From 2018 onwards, four additional production units will be commissioned to meet the production requirements for the pre-commercial and initial commercial demand for Bone Therapeutics’ unique products. Importantly, additional production units can be added to the facility to ensure manufacturing capacity can meet future demand.
  • The Biopark is bringing the advantages of a unique and innovative high-tech cluster to cater for the needs of the increasing number of Walloon based cell therapy and biotech companies. Bone Therapeutics has joined forces with cell therapy company Promethera Biosciences to build this new facility at this unique location. The new 3000m² facility is part of a larger project, known as PWTC or “Plateforme Wallonne de Thérapie Cellulaire”. PWTC will be operated by three dedicated service companies, SISE (Société d’Infrastructures, de Services et d’Energies), SCTS (Skeletal Cell Therapy Support) and HCTS (Hepatic Cell Therapy Support).

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes