

Date: 2015-04-13

Type of information: Establishment of a new subsidiary in the US


Company: Bone Therapeutics (Belgium)

Therapeutic area: Bone diseases - Regenerative medicine

Type agreement:

establishment of a new subsidiary in the US

Action mechanism:



* On April 13, 2015, Bone Therapeutics, the bone cell therapy company addressing high unmet medical needs in the field of bone fracture repair and bone fracture prevention, announced that it has established its US based subsidiary, Bone Therapeutics USA Inc. in Boston, Massachusetts, in line with its strategy as outlined at the time of its recent initial public offering. The establishment of the US headquarters is the first step for the Company to move forward its US clinical trials programme. This new subsidiary of Bone Therapeutics is situated in Kendall Square, Cambridge.The creation of this affiliate is the first milestone in a process that will lead to the initiation of Bone Therapeutics’ clinical trials for fracture repair and osteonecrosis in the US.

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Is general: Yes