

Date: 2015-03-10

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Effimune (France)

Therapeutic area:

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* On March 10, 2015, Effimune has announced the nomination of Professor Michel Goldman as the President of its scientific advisory board. Professor Michel Goldman is a key figure in the field of immunology. He brings to Effimune knowledge, skills and experience, fruit of a long and successful career. He has become an internationally recognized expert in Therapeutic Immunology with his scientific research producing more than 400 articles in peerreviewed publications and has been the recipient of numerous academic awards. Professor of Immunology at the “Université Libre de Bruxelles”, from 2009 to 2014 Michel Goldman was the director of IMI (Innovative Medicines Initiative), the largest European public private initiative aimed at speeding up the development of better and safer medicines and with a total budget of 2 billion euros.
His mission as president of Effimune’s scientific advisory board will be to support and guide the strategic development of the company in terms of science and medicine in accordance with health regulations and policies.

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