

Date: 2015-07-30

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: management services for patients with chronic disease

Company: IBM (USA - NY) CVS Health (USA - RI)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services - Diagnostic - Medical imaging - Cardiovascular diseases - Metabolic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: chronic diseases including hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity


* On July 30, 2015, CVS Health and IBM announced they will use predictive analytics and Watson cognitive computing to transform care management services for patients with chronic disease. The partnership will enable health care practitioners, including those across the CVS Health enterprise, to use Watson to advance care management beyond programs and services typically available today. Watson’s cognitive computing capabilities interact in natural language, read and understand vast amounts of information, and continuously learn. The offering would enable health care practitioners to quickly and easily gain insights from an unprecedented mix of health information sources such as medical health records, pharmacy and medical claims information, environmental factors, and fitness devices to help individuals stay on track with their care and meet health goals.
The joint CVS Health/IBM Watson Health solution will be optimized for use across a wide range of chronic conditions. The resulting offering will be made available to insurers and other entities serving the employer and health plan market and will focus on:
• Helping to predict individuals at risk for declining health who may benefit from proactive, customized engagement programs;
• Encouraging patients to adopt safe and healthy behaviors, including adherence to prescribed medicines and healthy lifestyle regimens; and
• Suggesting appropriate use of cost-effective primary care and out-patient providers.
The partnership brings together IBM’s Watson Health Cloud and cognitive computing capabilities with both companies’ expertise in predictive analytics and patient engagement. CVS Health also brings strong insights into medication adherence and pharmacy care.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes