

Date: 2015-03-19

Type of information: Distribution agreement

Compound: biochemical reagents product portfolio

Company: Roche (Switzerland) Sigma-Aldrich (USA - MO)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Technology - Services

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* On March 19, 2015, Sigma-Aldrich announced it signed an exclusive global distribution agreement with Roche. The agreement pairs Roche\'s high-quality Biochemical Reagents product portfolio with the industry-leading eCommerce and supply chain capabilities of Sigma-Aldrich . Under the agreement, Sigma-Aldrich will employ its sales, marketing and eCommerce expertise, and leverage the strength of its relationships with the scientific community, to present and distribute the Roche Biochemical Reagents product portfolio, which includes kits and enzymes for cellular analysis, proteomics and conventional PCR applications. Transition of the Roche portfolio to Sigma-Aldrich is expected to take place in 2015. In the interim, these products will continue to be available through existing Roche channels.

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Is general: Yes