

Date: 2015-07-27

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Aegerion Pharmaceuticals (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Metabolic diseases

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* On July 27, 2015, Aegerion Pharmaceuticals announced that Aegerion board member Sandford Drexel Smith has been appointed interim Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Marc Beer offered his resignation as CEO and member of the board, as did Craig Fraser as Chief Operating Officer, effective immediately. Mr. Smith has been appointed to serve as the interim Chief Executive Officer while the Company conducts a search to identify a successor. Mr. Smith will also assume Mr. Fraser\'s responsibilities on an interim basis.
Mr. Smith has served as a director of the Company since 2012 and was most recently Executive Vice President and President
International Group for Genzyme Corporation, where he was a member of Genzyme\'s Executive Committee. During his 15
years at Genzyme, Mr. Smith was responsible for the successful global launch of 12 new products. Under his leadership,
international revenue grew to more than half of Genzyme\'s nearly $5 billion revenues. Mr. Smith advised on the integration of
Genzyme\'s international business into the Sanofi global organization after the 2011 acquisition. Prior to joining Genzyme, Mr.
Smith was President and Chief Executive Officer at Repligen Corporation. Before that, he held international leadership
positions at Bristol Myers Squibb, at its U.S. headquarters and in Asia. Mr. Smith currently serves as a director on four public
biotech boards, and is founder of Global Biolink, a consultancy focused on developing international growth in the rare and
orphan disease space. He also serves on the President\'s Advisory Council for Brigham and Women\'s Hospital in Boston.

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Is general: Yes