

Date: 2015-05-04

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Macrocure (Israel)

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* On May 4, 2015, Macrocure, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing a novel therapeutic platform to address chronic and hard-to-heal wounds, announced that Lewis Gryziewicz has joined Macrocure as Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, effective May 1, 2015. Prior to joining Macrocure, Dr. Gryziewicz spent 16 years at Allergan, 10 years at Johnson & Johnson and 3 years at Bristol-Myers Squib. At Allergan, Dr. Gryziewicz held senior-level positions within Regulatory Affairs, most recently as Global Regulatory Liaison for Ophthalmology, where he was responsible for the submission and approval of global marketing applications, liaising with global regulatory agencies, and regulatory strategy, which led to product approvals, including US and European Union approvals of Ozurdex® and Combigan® and approval in the US and Japan for Alphagan® P and Lumigan®, among others. During his tenure at Johnson & Johnson, Dr. Gryziewicz also held positions in Regulatory Affairs and was responsible for the approval of the acne indication for Ortho Tri-Cyclen® and the removal of the black box warning for Renova®.

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Is general: Yes