

Date: 2015-06-12

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: neosaxitoxin

Company: Grunenthal (Germany) Proteus (Chile) Boston Children’s Hospital (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

sodium channel blocker. Neosaxitoxin is a site-1 specific sodium channel blocker which acts synergistically with local anesthetics to provide surgical anesthesia by peripheral nerve blocks or local infiltration and markedly increases the duration of post-operative analgesia. 

Neosaxitoxin was initially developed in a collaborative effort between Proteus S.A. and Boston Children\'s Hospital eight years ago. Neosaxitoxin is also the first NCE from Chile that might be brought to patients outside Chile.

Disease: local anesthesia, post-operative pain management


* On June 12, 2015, Grünenthal Group, an international, family-owned pharmaceutical company, Proteus S.A. and Boston Children’s Hospital announce a collaboration for neosaxitoxin, a novel anesthetic for local anesthesia and post-operative pain management. Following the respective agreement, both Proteus S.A. and Boston Children’s Hospital will remain as key members of the collaboration steering committee. With the collaboration between Grünenthal, Proteus S.A. and Boston Children’s Hospital, Grünenthal implements the concept of its Innovative Medicines Unit (IMU). The IMU is tasked with building Grünenthal’s early clinical development portfolio by firstly in-licensing projects from external sources and then leading them through to successful clinical proof of concept. 


Financial terms:

The deal includes up to $ 85 million in upfront and development milestones plus undisclosed sales milestones and royalties.

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