

Date: 2015-04-09

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Genticel (France)

Therapeutic area:

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* On April 9th, 2015, Genticel, a French biotechnology company and developer of innovative immunotherapies treating cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), announced the appointment of Valerie Leroy as Senior Director in charge of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations. Her primary objective will be to develop Genticel’s visibility across the financial community, the media and the general public. Before joining Genticel, Ms. Leroy held a number of operational and strategic global management positions in both Europe and the United States with several industry leaders including: Toshiba, Medtronic and Edwards Lifesciences. Beginning in 2011, she was Director of Marketing and Investor Relations at Carmat. Ms. Leroy brings to Genticel over twenty-five years of experience in marketing, in product, corporate and financial communications as well as in business development within the IT and life sciences industries. Ms. Leroy holds a Master’s Degree in Marketing from the IAE Sorbonne Graduate Business School in Paris.

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Is general: Yes