

Date: 2015-01-09

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Mission Therapeutics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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* On January 9, 2015, Mission Therapeutics, a company focused on the discovery and development of modulators of the deubiquitylating (DUB) enzyme family for the treatment of cancer and other diseases, announced the appointment of Dr Anker Lundemose MD PhD as Chief Executive Officer. Dr Lundemose brings extensive experience to Mission Therapeutics  at a pivotal stage in the Company’s evolution, as it transitions from discovery to development. In a biopharma career spanning over two and a half decades, he was most recently CEO of Norwegian vaccine company Bionor Pharma ASA, and previously co-founder and CEO of Prosidion, the UK spin-out of OSI Pharmaceuticals’ diabetes and obesity assets, subsequently reversed into OSI. The MISSION appointment constitutes Dr Lundemose’s fourth CEO position. As a CEO, Executive Vice President, co-founder and/or board member, he has been involved in a total of six biotech exits/IPOs.

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