

Date: 2015-03-16

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Mission Therapeutics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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* On March 16, 2015, Mission Therapeutics, a company focused on the discovery and development of modulators of the deubiquitylating (DUB) enzyme family for the treatment of cancer and other diseases, announces the appointment of Paul Wallace PhD as Chief Business Officer. Dr Wallace joins Mission Therapeutics to formulate future business strategy at a time when the Company’s pipeline has matured to the point where strategic options such as development partnerships are ready to be explored. Having worked in business development roles within drug discovery companies for nearly 20 years, Dr Wallace was most recently Executive Vice President and Head of Business Development at Medivir AB, where he was also a member of the Executive Management Team responsible for strategic and operational leadership, R&D portfolio management and investment planning. During this time he was central to the execution of more than 25 partnership deals, 8 products were taken into clinical development, 2 drugs were launched and Medivir transitioned into a profitable pharmaceutical company. Prior to his roles in business development Dr Wallace had a career in pharmaceutical research and undertook his PhD and post-doctoral studies at the University of Cambridge.

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Is general: Yes