

Date: 2015-05-14

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: ATL1103

Company: Cortendo (Sweden) Antisense Therapeutics (Australia)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Hormonal diseases - Endocrine diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

antisense drug. ATL1103 is a second-generation antisense drug designed to block growth hormone receptor (GHr) expression thereby reducing levels of the hormone insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in the blood and is a potential treatment for diseases associated with excessive growth hormone and IGF-1 action. These diseases include acromegaly, an abnormal growth disorder of organs, face, hands and feet, diabetic retinopathy, a common disease of the eye and a major cause of blindness, diabetic nephropathy, a common disease of the kidney and major cause of kidney failure, and some forms of cancer.

In a Phase I study in healthy subjects, ATL1103 demonstrated a preliminary indication of drug activity, including suppression of IGF-1 and the target GHr (via circulating growth hormone binding protein) levels. In a Phase II trial in acromegalic patients, ATL1103 met its primary efficacy endpoint by showing a statistically significant average reduction in sIGF-1 levels from baseline (P<0.0001) at week 14 (one week past the last dose) at the twice weekly 200 mg dose tested. Antisense is currently undertaking a higher dose study (2 x 300 mg/week) in acromegaly patients. Under its technology collaboration with Isis, Antisense Therapeutics’ will pay Isis a percentage (single digit) of the licensing revenue it earns from ATL1103.

Disease: acromegaly and other endocrine diseases


* On May 14, 2015, Cortendo and Antisense Therapeutics announced that the companies have entered into an exclusive license agreement that provides Cortendo with development and commercialization rights to Antisense Therapeutics’ ATL1103 for endocrinology applications. Cortendo will be responsible for the ongoing clinical development of ATL1103 in endocrinology applications and will fund the associated future development, regulatory and drug manufacture costs. Antisense Therapeutics will retain commercialization rights for ATL1103 in endocrinology applications in Australia and New Zealand, and will also retain worldwide rights for other ATL1103 indications, and may utilize new ATL1103 data generated by Cortendo in pursuing these other indications, subject to certain terms and conditions. \"The opportunity to advance ATL1103, a novel second generation antisense therapeutic with potential utility in acromegaly, nicely complements COR-003, our existing Phase 3 asset for Cushing\'s Syndrome, and builds upon our rare endocrine disease franchise,” said Matthew Pauls, president and chief executive officer of Cortendo. “We are also continuing to actively explore other partnerships in endocrinology as well as other therapeutic areas for rare diseases,” Pauls added. Locust Walk and Destum Partners acted as Cortendo’s and Antisense Therapeutics’ transaction advisors, respectively, throughout the process.

Financial terms:

Under the terms of the agreement, Cortendo will provide Antisense Therapeutics with an initial upfront payment of $5 million (AUD $6.2 million), consisting of $3 million (AUD $3.7 million) in cash and a $2 million (AUD $2.5 million) investment in Antisense Therapeutics equity. Additional payments, contingent upon achieving specific development and commercialization milestones, may total up to $105 million (AUD $131 million) over the lifetime of the agreement. There is also the potential for royalty payments based upon sales performance.

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