

Date: 2015-02-06

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: screening, surveillance and diagnostic tests beyond colorectal cancer addressing diseases within the gastrointestinal tract

Company: Exact Sciences Corporation (USA - WI) Mayo Clinic (USA - MN)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Cancer - Oncology - Gastrointestinal diseases

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Disease: diseases within the gastrointestinal tract


* On February 6, 2015, Exact Sciences and Mayo Clinic announced a five-year extension and expansion of their collaboration, broadening their efforts to develop screening, surveillance and diagnostic tests beyond colorectal cancer to address other diseases within the gastrointestinal tract. The amended agreement extends the collaboration for five more years with David Ahlquist, M.D., a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, and his lab at Mayo Clinic. Exact Sciences will continue to have rights to certain intellectual property, including patents, know-how and new markers.

The original June 11, 2009 agreement between Exact Sciences and Mayo Clinic led to the development of Cologuard®, which the FDA approved on August 11, 2014. Cologuard is the first and only FDA-approved stool DNA-based colorectal cancer screening test.

Disclosure statement - David Ahlquist, M.D., is a co-inventor of the technology that has been licensed to Exact Sciences from Mayo Clinic. Under that licensing agreement, Mayo Clinic and Dr. Ahlquist share in equity and royalties. Revenue Mayo Clinic receives is used to support Mayo\'s not-for-profit mission in patient care, education and research.

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