

Date: 2015-04-07

Type of information: Establishment of a new subsidiary in the US


Company: Crispr Therapeutics (Switzerland - UK)

Therapeutic area: Genetic diseases - Rare diseases

Type agreement:

establishment of a new subsidiary in the US

Action mechanism:



* On April 7, 2015, CRISPR Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company focused on translating CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology into transformative medicines for serious human diseases, announced the appointment of Bill Lundberg, M.D., to Chief Scientific Officer to lead the Company’s development programs and to spearhead the creation of its R&D operations in Cambridge, Massachusetts. CRISPR Therapeutics was launched out of the Basel-based Versant Ventures offices in 2013 and has undertaken translational development programs in several important disease areas with collaborators in Europe and the US. 

Financial terms:

Latest news:

Is general: Yes