

Date: 2015-04-28

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: microinjector technology to deliver gene therapies to the back of the eye

Company: Spark Therapeutics (USA - PA) Clearside Biomedical (USA - GA)

Therapeutic area: Ophtalmological diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

gene therapy



* On April 28, 2015, Spark Therapeutics and Clearside Biomedical announced that they have entered into an option agreement under which Spark acquired exclusive rights to license Clearside\'s microinjector technology to deliver gene therapies to the back of the eye. Under the agreement, the companies will explore the feasibility of using Clearside\'s microinjector technology to deliver viral vectors to the choroid and the retina through the suprachoroidal space (SCS). If successful, this technique could create a differentiated alternative to sub-retinal or intravenous administration for future gene therapy applications, potentially broadening the range of conditions treatable through gene therapy.

Using a proprietary microinjector, Clearside\'s technology delivers therapeutic agents to the retina and choroid through the SCS and without substantial diffusion to the vitreous of the eye. Clearside is currently conducting a Phase 2 clinical trial in macular edema associated with uveitis and a Phase 2 clinical trial in macular edema associated with retinal vein occlusion (RVO). In a recently concluded Phase 1/2 trial, subjects with non-infectious uveitis treated with a single suprachoroidal injection of a commercially available formulation of triamcinolone acetonide, using Clearside\'s proprietary microinjector, showed improvement in best corrected visual acuity ranging between one and five lines (or up to 25 letters). The procedure was generally well tolerated in this trial and no meaningful intraocular pressure (IOP) increases were observed in any subjects through the six month duration of the trial. If Spark exercises its option, in return for exclusive, worldwide rights to use Clearside\'s microinjection technology and related intellectual property in the field of gene therapy, Spark will pay to Clearside an upfront licensing fee, development related milestones and commercial royalties on sales of Spark\'s products covered by the licensed technology.


Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes