

Date: 2015-05-04

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: CLS1001 (triamcinolone acetonide), drugs to treat diseases afflicting the retina and choroid

Company: Clearside Biomedical (USA - GA) Santen (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Ophtalmological diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: glaucoma, posterior ocular diseases


* On January 31, 2013, Santen Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Santen Pharmaceuticals Co., and Clearside Biomedical announced that Santen Ltd., the parent company of Santen Inc., has made an investment in Clearside Biomedical Inc. and has also entered into a research collaboration agreement for posterior ocular diseases. Santen will join with other investors to fund an additional $7.9 million for continued development of CLS1001 into pivotal testing and to further Clearside Biomedical’s pipeline in ocular choroidal neovascularization and inflammatory diseases of the posterior segment. Santen, along with new investor Mountain Group Capital and its affiliates join current investors Hatteras Venture Partners, Georgia Research Alliance Venture Fund, and Kenan Flagler Business School Private Equity Fund.




Financial terms:

Latest news:

* On May 4, 2015, Clearside Biomedical and Santen Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Santen Pharmaceuticals Co., announced the expansion of their research collaboration to include the field of glaucoma. The two companies have been working together since January 2013 to develop drugs to treat diseases afflicting the retina and choroid that can eventually lead to blindness. The expanded collaboration will now study the use of Clearside’s proprietary microinjector to deliver sustained intraocular pressure-lowering medications.


Is general: Yes