

Date: 2015-04-09

Type of information: Establishment of a new subsidiary in the US

Compound: Rigi Orphan Inc

Company: AOP Orphan (Austria) Rigi Healthcare (Switzerland)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases

Type agreement:

establishment of a new subsidiary in the US

Action mechanism:



* On April 8, 2015, AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals and Rigi Healthcare announced the creation of Rigi Orphan Inc, USA. The new company will focus on the development, in-licensing and commercialization of pharmaceutical specialties for rare diseases in North America. Hans Peter Hasler will be the Chairman of Rigi Orphan Inc while Dr Rudolf Widman will join its board of Directors. The Company is in the process of complementing AOP’s portfolio with additional innovative products. AOP Orphan is an international company based in Austria, with a focus on development and distribution of medicines for rare and complex diseases. The company is present in Central Europe, Middle East and Asia with products in hematology/ oncology, cardiology, pulmonology, intensive care, neurology and psychiatry. Founded in 2014, Rigi Healthcare is ased in Küssnacht, Switzerland. Privately held, its focus is to build a leading orphan pharmaceutical company in North America and to serve emerging markets, starting with the African Sub-Sahara region.

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Is general: Yes