

Date: 2015-04-01

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Reneuron (UK)

Therapeutic area: Regenerative medicine

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* On April 1, 2015, ReNeuron Group, a leading UK-based stem cell therapy company, announced a number of Board and senior management changes as the Company prepares for its next phase of development. The changes announced are part of an ongoing, phased restructuring of the executive and non-executive teams as the Company evolves and transitions into its next stage of development. In this regard, the Board of the Company has decided to further strengthen the executive management of the business, with a commensurate reduction in size of the non-executive Board. At senior management level, the following appointments are being made: Sharon Grimster has been appointed as General Manager, Wales. Ms Grimster has been working in the business for a period of time in a senior development role and will take on further responsibility for development of ReNeuron’s in house manufacturing capability when the business relocates its operations to South Wales later this year. She has many years’ experience of advanced biologics development, having served in senior development roles at businesses including F-star, Antisoma and Celltech.

Dr Randolph Corteling, a senior member of ReNeuron’s research team since 2007, is being promoted to Head of Research with immediate effect, from his current role of Head of Cell Biology. In his new role, Dr Corteling will have day-to-day responsibility for all of the Company’s research activities, including development of the Company’s exciting exosome therapeutic platform.

The Company is also finalising the appointment of two further new positions in the senior management team, that of Chief Medical Officer and Head of Regulatory Affairs. Candidates for both of these roles have been identified and the Company will make a further announcement concerning their appointments shortly.

The following changes are being made to the Board of the Company: Bryan Morton, having served on the Board of the Company as a non-executive director since 2008 and as Chairman since 2011, has stepped down from the Board. John Berriman, a non-executive director of the Company since 2011, has taken on the role of Chairman. Mark Docherty, a non-executive director of the business since the Company’s flotation on AIM in 2005, will step down from the Board at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company in September of this year. Dr John Sinden, Chief Scientific Officer, a co-founder of ReNeuron and a Board member since the inception of the business, will also step down from the Board at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company. His continuing role as Chief Scientific Officer at ReNeuron will focus on the Company’s third party research collaborations and other externally facing activities as Dr Corteling takes on the day-to-day management of the Company’s in-house research function.



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