

Date: 2016-11-30

Type of information: Milestone

Compound: Vaxiclase platform

Company: Genticel (France) Serum Institute of India (India)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: pertussis


* On February 2, 2015, Genticel, a French biotechnology company and leading developer of therapeutic vaccines, announced that it has licensed its Vaxiclase technology to Serum Institute of India, for use as a component in acellular multivalent combination vaccines including pertussis antigens. The license granted by Genticel to SIIL provides the Vaxiclase platform for inclusion in multivalent vaccines that also protect against Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. The license covers all the countries of the world except major pharmaceutical markets, in particular the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Israel, Turkey and greater Europe. The deal provides the two partners with additional options to extend their partnership to a global territory.


Financial terms:

In exchange for the access and use of Vaxiclase in the licensed indication, Genticel is eligible for up to $ 57 million in upfront, development and sales milestone payments from SIIL, as well as single digit royalties on net sales. Detailed financial terms of the agreement are not disclosed.

Latest news:

* On November 30, 2016, Genticel announced that a determining milestone in its partnership with Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. (Serum Institute) has been successfully completed. As per the agreement signed in February 2015 with Genticel, Serum Institute has been evaluating the benefits of using GTL003 in new and improved multivalent vaccines and has obtained excellent preclinical results.
In preclinical in vivo experimentation, Genticel’s proprietary reengineered adenylate cyclase, GTL003, fulfilled the predetermined objectives. This was the last preclinical milestone of the agreement, corresponding to a $1.2 million milestone payment.
Serum Institute can now proceed to finalize the formal preclinical testing prior to clinical development and subsequent commercialization in emerging markets only. The agreement could generate for Genticel up to $57 million in milestone payments and then single digit-royalties on further sales.

Is general: Yes