

Date: 2015-02-05

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Affiris (Austria)

Therapeutic area: Neurodegenerative diseases

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* On February 5, 2015, Affiris announced the appointment of Dr. Arne von Bonin as new member of the Executive Board. Dr. Arne von Bonin (50) will, jointly with Oliver Siegel (49) who has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer in July 2014, form the Executive Board of Affiris. Dr. Walter Schmidt and Dr. Frank Mattner, who founded the company eleven years ago, announced their resignation from the Executive Board and will join the Supervisory Board. Hon. Prof. Dr. Dietmar Czernich and Dr. Daniel Alge will resign from their positions in the Supervisory Board. Dr. Arne von Bonin joined the company in 2012 as Head of Preclinical Development and Discovery. Previously, he was a member of the Supervisory Board of AFFiRiS AG. Before joining Affiris, he held various positions in research of Schering AG and in R&D Management at Bayer Healthcare AG.



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Is general: Yes