

Date: 2015-02-18

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Pharming (The Netherlands)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases

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* On February 18, 2015, Pharming Group announced the appointment of Dr. Perry Calias as the Company’s Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), with immediate effect. Dr. Calias will have overall responsibility for the Company’s new Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) programs, achieving the scientific milestones set in the business plan, enhancing the IP portfolio, overseeing new product development and contributing to the overall strategic direction of the Company. Through Pharming’s recent acquisition of TRM SASU, the Company is expanding its validated platform for the production of recombinant human proteins. In order to take advantage of the available ERT development networks and expertise, Pharming also plans to open a small R&D office in Boston, MA. Dr. Calias will be based in Boston and will split his time between there, Paris and Leiden.
Dr. Calias is a specialist in developing targeted therapies. As Senior Director for Shire within the Human Genetic Therapeutics division, he championed the investigational effort for the intrathecal administration of recombinant enzymes for the treatment of the central nervous system (CNS) disorders associated with lysosomal storage diseases. In this capacity, he led the research effort with regards to regulatory filings both within the US and overseas, resulting in three clinical trials and several peer-reviewed articles. In addition, Dr. Calias has held various R&D positions at BBB Technologies, EyeGate Pharmaceuticals, Eyetech Pharmaceuticals, Draper Laboratories and Genzyme Corporation. Dr. Calias is listed as an inventor on over 30 domestic and foreign patents/applications spanning 18 different patent families, including mRNA therapeutics, new polyethylene glycol-linker chemistries, noninvasive ocular delivery devices, nucleic acid protecting strategies, and combination anti-angiogenic therapies. He holds a PhD in Bio-organic Chemistry.

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