

Date: 2015-01-13

Type of information: Nomination


Company: CiToxLAB (France)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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* On January 13, 2015, CiToxLAB, a leading CRO for non-clinical research, announced that it has hired Dr. Philippe Ancian as Senior Director of Biomarkers for the group. Philippe Ancian has a PhD in molecular and cellular biology. He was Head of Biomarkers at Laboratoires Galderma, then Director of Research and Development for the pharma business unit at Protéus before joining CiT in 2005 to develop the functional genomics platform at the Evreux site (France). He then moved to Transgène in 2010 as Senior Director of the Vectorology and Biomarkers departments, to work on strategy definition and to conduct follow-ups on biomarker and immunomonitoring studies in relation to clinical trials from phases I to III.“I am particularly pleased that Philippe has decided to come back to CiToxLAB after working here between 2005 and 2009. By accelerating its international expansion, the company has more than doubled in size since then.” said Jean-François Le Bigot, Chairman and CEO of the CiToxLAB group. “Philippe will be tasked with developing our biomarkers business, an area where our clients’ needs are growing strongly. We believe that the combination of our platforms, operating in the quality environment of a preclinical CRO (GLP), allied with our biobanking and traceability (LIMS) capabilities, needed for high throughput sample management, provide an opportunity to develop these areas of our business at preclinical and clinical stages; with both existing clients, new companies and institutional clients.”“Over time, we plan to offer most of the activities associated with biomarkers not just in Europe from our Evreux and Saint-Nazaire (Atlanbio) sites, but also in North America, from our site in Montreal. Therefore, this is a real strategic development and we are confident that Philippe’s scientific, organizational and commercial skills will help him fulfill this mandate,” said Dr Le Bigot.

Created in 2011 through the merger of CIT and LAB-Research, CiToxLAB group has more than 850 employees working on the five sites representing 60,000 sq meters of state-of-the-art facilities. The group has five facilities located in France (Evreux, Saint-Nazaire), Canada (Montreal), Denmark (Copenhagen) and Hungary (Veszprem), and offers a comprehensive range of preclinical services to meet the needs of pharmaceutical, biotechnology and chemical companies worldwide.CiToxLAB carries out studies in general and reproductive toxicology, carcinogenicity, immunology, safety pharmacology, DMPK and bioanalysis. The group has unique expertise in areas such as toxicology and reprotoxicology in NHPs and minipigs, inhalation toxicology, radiation studies and environmental studies (ecotoxicology and those related to REACH regulations). Atlanbio (Saint-Nazaire, France) joined the group to offer CiToxLAB extensive services in pre-clinical and clinical bioanalysis and biomarkers. A partnership with Stemina (Madison, USA) allows the group to offer screening services using human embryonic stem cell models.

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