

Date: 2015-01-29

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Epizyme (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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* On January 29, 2015, Epizyme, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company creating innovative personalized therapeutics for patients with genetically defined cancers, announced that Robert A. Copeland , Ph.D., has been named President of Research. Dr. Copeland , who was previously Executive Vice President of Research and Chief Scientific Officer at Epizyme , will continue to serve as Chief Scientific Officer.

Prior to joining Epizyme , Dr. Copeland was Vice President, Cancer Biology, of the Oncology Center of Excellence in Drug Discovery at GSK. Before joining GSK, Dr. Copeland held scientific staff positions at Merck Research Laboratories and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, and a faculty position at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine . Dr. Copeland received a B.S. in chemistry from Seton Hall University , a Ph.D. in chemistry from Princeton University and pursued postdoctoral studies as the Chaim Weizmann Fellow at the California Institute of Technology . Dr. Copeland is also the author of two highly acclaimed books on the role of enzymology in drug discovery and more than 195 scientific publications. He has been at the forefront of the discovery of small molecules for the treatment of cancer throughout his career, and has led the emergence of histone methyltransferase inhibitors.

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