

Date: 2014-09-12

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: chief scientific officer, chief financial officer

Company: RedXPharma (UK)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Infectious diseases

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:



  • • On September 12, 2014, RedXPharma announced the appointment of Dr Richard Armer as Chief Scientific Officer and Phil Tottey as Chief Financial Officer. Richard, who has worked for organisations including Pfizer, Organon and Oxagen, previously held the role of CSO at Lectus Therapeutics. After joining Redx Oncology in early-2012 as Head of Chemistry, he moved to become Head of Research in December 2013. Chartered accountant Phil Tottey will bring significant financial and operational experience developed during a career spanning 34 years to his new role. He started his professional life with Grant Thornton in Liverpool, before developing a career which has spanned sectors including retail, construction and media. He is experienced working with both high-profile global organisations including media giant Emap, and local businesses, having successfully set up his own business offering training and consultancy to local SMEs in 2003. Phil joined Redx in 2013, initially as Financial Controller before becoming Group Operations Director in December that year.

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Is general: Yes