

Date: 2015-04-27

Type of information: Termination of an agreement

Compound: custirsen

Company: OncoGenex (USA - WA) Teva Pharmaceutical (Israel)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

antisense oligonucleotideCustirsen is an experimental drug that is designed to block the production of the protein clusterin, which may play a fundamental role in cancer cell survival and treatment resistance. Clusterin is upregulated in tumor cells in response to treatment interventions such as chemotherapy, hormone ablation and radiation therapy and has been found to be overexpressed in a number of cancers, including prostate, lung, breast and bladder. Increased clusterin production has been linked to faster rates of cancer progression, treatment resistance and shorter survival duration. By inhibiting clusterin, custirsen is designed to alter tumor dynamics, slowing tumor growth and resistance to partner treatments, so that the benefits of therapy, including survival, may be extended.

Disease: prostate cancer, lung cancer


* On April 27, 2015, OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, OncoGenex Technologies, executed a termination agreement with Teva Pharmaceuticals under which OncoGenex will regain rights to custirsen, an investigational compound currently in Phase 3 clinical development as a treatment for prostate and lung cancers. This transfer of rights occurs in connection with the termination of the 2009 collaboration agreement between OncoGenex and Teva. The agreement between the two parties to terminate the collaboration includes a $23.2 million payment from Teva. This payment reflects a $27 million advance reimbursement amount less $0.8 million for expenses incurred by Teva in 2015 prior to the termination date as well as a $3 million holdback amount that may be used to settle additional expenses incurred by Teva related to the continued development of custirsen as well as certain indemnity claims. One half of the then remaining balance of the holdback amount will be released to OncoGenex in October 2015 with a further half of the then remaining amount paid in January 2016 . Any final remaining amount will be released in April 2016 . In addition, OncoGenex will take over responsibility for all custirsen expenses, including those related to the ENSPIRIT trial, as well as manufacturing and regulatory activities for custirsen programs that were previously managed by Teva.

The company recently reported that as of December 31, 2014 , it had $47.1 million in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments, excluding the advance reimbursement payment from Teva. OncoGenex expects that the $23.2 million payment from Teva and the Company's current resources should enable the completion of the AFFINITY trial through data readout in late 2015 or early 2016, allow for the continuation of the ENSPIRIT trial through the second interim futility analysis expected in mid-2015, and facilitate the achievement of key apatorsen clinical milestones, such as the completion of patient enrollment in the Borealis-2™ trial and final data from the Spruce™ and Rainier™ clinical trials.

* On December 30, 2014, OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals announced that it has executed an initial agreement with Teva Pharmaceutical Industries to regain rights to custirsen, an investigational compound currently being evaluated in Phase 3 clinical development as a treatment for prostate and lung cancers. This transfer of rights would occur in connection with the termination of the collaboration agreement between OncoGenex and Teva executed in 2009. The initial agreement reached by OncoGenex and Teva provides that, following execution of the final agreement to terminate the collaboration between the parties, OncoGenex will receive a $27 million payment from Teva, subject to certain adjustments. In addition, OncoGenex will take over responsibility for all custirsen related expenses, including those related to the ENSPIRIT trial, as well as manufacturing and regulatory activities for custirsen programs, which are currently being managed by Teva. OncoGenex expects that the $27 million payment from Teva and the Company\'s current resources should enable the completion of the AFFINITY trial through data readout in late 2015/early 2016, allow for the continuation of the ENSPIRIT trial through the second interim futility analysis that is expected in the first half of 2015 and the achievement of key apatorsen clinical milestones, such as the completion of patient enrollment in the Borealis-2™ trial and final data from the Spruce™ and Rainier™ clinical trials. The Company anticipates a final agreement will be executed in January 2015. 

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes