

Date: 2017-01-27

Type of information: Termination of an agreement

Compound: BioChaperone Lispro®

Company: Eli Lilly (USA - IN) Adocia (France)

Therapeutic area: Metabolic diseases

Type agreement: development

Action mechanism: BioChaperone Lispro® is an ultra-fast acting formulation of insulin Lispro - Humalog®. Last September, Adocia announced positive preliminary results from a Phase IIa dose-response clinical trial evaluating its ultra-fast formulation of insulin lispro (BioChaperone Lispro U100) tested at three doses, relative to Eli Lilly’s Humalog® commercial insulin (insulin lispro U100).

Disease: type 1 and type 2 diabetes


  • • On December 19, 2014, Eli Lilly and Adocia announced a worldwide licensing collaboration focused on developing an ultra-rapid insulin, known as BioChaperone Lispro®, for treatment in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Lilly and Adocia will develop BioChaperone Lispro with the goal of optimizing glucose levels during and after meals. Potential benefits of BioChaperone Lispro include greater flexibility in the timing of insulin injections, lower variability of post-meal blood glucose elevations, lower rates of hypoglycemia and better overall glucose control. Under the terms of the agreement, Lilly is responsible for future development, manufacturing, and commercialization of BioChaperone Lispro. A concentrated formulation of BioChaperone Lispro is also part of the agreement. Adocia retains the right to develop and license its insulin programs unrelated to prandial ultra-rapid insulin.

Financial terms:

  • The total up-front and milestone payments could reach up to $570 million; Adocia will receive a total upfront fee of $50 million with the potential for future payments of up to $280 million if the product reaches certain development and regulatory milestones, and sales milestones up to $240 million, as well as tiered sales royalties. Lilly shall also reimburse Adocia for certain research and development expenses during the terms of the agreement.

Latest news:

  • • On January 27, 2017, Adocia announced that it was notified in a letter dated January 26 from Eli Lilly its decision to terminate the December 2014 collaboration research and license agreement for the development of Adocia’s ultra-rapid insulin (BioChaperone® Lispro) for treatment in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  • As a consequence of such decision and according to the terms of this agreement, the rights that Adocia has licensed to Lilly will revert to Adocia at no cost. The company will now look for a new partner.

Is general: Yes