

Date: 2014-12-15

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: independent director

Company: Novadip Biosciences (Belgium)

Therapeutic area: Regenerative medicine - Bone diseases

Type agreement: nomination

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  • • On December 15, 2014, Novadip Biosciences, an innovative biopharmaceutical company specializing in the discovery and development of new generation of regenerative and reconstructive therapies adapted to severe orthopaedic conditions, announced the appointment of Gil Beyen as an independent director of the company, effective immediately. Mr Beyen’s appointment brings large experience in regenerative medicine as well as strong expertise in international partnerships and M&A in the biotechnology sector. Since 2012, Gil is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Erytech Pharma and contributes to the listing of this French biotechnology company active in innovative cancer therapy. Prior to this, he co-founded TiGenix  in 2000, and served as CEO till 2011. TiGenix was a pioneer company in regenerative medicine. During his mandate, Gil was instrumental in the listing of the company and the subsequent merger with Cellerix. Earlier to this, Gil has been a management consultant at Arthur D. Little in the Healthcare and Biotech industries. Gil holds an MSc in Bio-Engineering from the University of Leuven and obtained an MBA from the University of Chicago (U.S.A.) in 1990.
  • Founded by Prof. Denis Dufrane and Jean-François Pollet, Novadip Biosciences is a spin-off company from University of Louvain (UCL) and Saint-Luc University Hospital (CUSL). First Novadip’s mission is to treat patients with critical size bone defects and severe bone diseases. Its proprietary product, Creost® is an autologous cell based-therapy product obtained from Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (AMSCs) which promotes (i) a perfect engraftment without any scaffold and (ii) a tissue remodeling with all native bone properties. This natural scaffold-free and tridimensional bone structure, can be used to reconstruct large bone defects without the need of any biomaterial. It is a fully osteogenic living implant with a mineralization similar to a real bone.

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