

Date: 2014-11-11

Type of information: Clinical research agreement

Compound: Nucleosomics® platform

Company: VolitionRx (Singapore) University of Oxford (UK)

Therapeutic area: Gynecological diseases - Women\'s health - Diagnostic

Type agreement:

clinical research

Action mechanism:

Nucleosomics® is a platform technology to measure and identify signatures of nucleosomes circulating in the blood.Nucleosomes of disease origin are structurally different (i.e. have different patterns of histone modification, DNA modifications, DNA methylation or certain adducts) from nucleosomes of other cells. 

Disease: endometriosis


* On November 11, 2014, VolitionRx, a life sciences company focused on developing blood-based diagnostic tests, today announced that it has entered an agreement with the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, to initiate a clinical study that will assess VolitionRx\'s proprietary Nucleosomics® platform technology for the diagnosis of endometriosis through a simple blood test. Under the agreement, The University of Oxford will provide VolitionRx with serum and plasma samples from approximately 350 patients with endometriosis and 150 control patients over a period of two years. The samples are donated by participating women through the biospecimen repository of the Oxford Endometriosis CaRe Centre.

The prospective study will focus on the development of a simple blood test to help clinicians diagnose endometriosis at an earlier stage. The 350-patient sample collection, supplemented with approximately 150 retrospectively-collected samples, will comprise healthy and endometriosis-positive individuals confirmed by laparoscopy. Differences in circulating nucleosomes will be evaluated across the menstrual cycle using VolitionRx\'s Nucleosomics® technology platform. Collection of the samples will be led by Prof Christian Becker and Prof Krina Zondervan, of the Nuffield Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Oxford, who are co-Directors of the Endometriosis CaRe Centre, Oxford. The Centre is a world leader in endometriosis research and clinical care and is dedicated to improve the life of women affected by the disease. The study will assess the samples collected from patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis-related symptoms or patients undergoing laparoscopic tubal sterilisation. Sample collection is anticipated to end in 2016 as part of an ongoing biospecimen collection and biobanking program.

Financial terms:

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