

Date: 2014-10-27

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: pre-clinical candidate

Company: Galapagos (Belgium) Calchan (UK)

Therapeutic area: Inflammatory diseases - Rheumatic diseases - CNS diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: osteoarthritis pain


* On October 27, 2014, Galapagos and Calchan announced that they have entered into a research collaboration in the area of osteoarthritis pain. Calchan has been awarded a £2.4 million grant from Innovate UK, the UK\'s innovation agency, Biomedical Catalyst Early Stage Round 2 to discover and develop compounds against a novel target for osteoarthritic pain. Calchan and Galapagos will collaborate in identifying pre-clinical candidates. Subsequently, Calchan and Galapagos may jointly progress the assets further into the clinic. 
As part of a restructuring of Convergence Pharmaceuticals in 2011, certain molecules in development were transferred into Calchan, a sister company, in which the proprietary rights are held. Calchan is developing its own portfolio of calcium ion channel modulators and has two Phase II clinical studies in progress in post-herpetic neuralgia and painful diabetic neuropathy. It has historically contracted Convergence Pharmaceuticals and other CROs to undertake certain research and development activities on its behalf.

Financial terms:

Further financial details remain undisclosed.

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Is general: Yes