

Date: 2014-11-24

Type of information: Joint-venture agreement


Company: Novo Nordisk (Denmark)

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* On November 24, 2014, Following a change in the distribution of responsibilities among the members of its Executive Management, Novo Nordisk has reduced the number of executives from seven to six. In this connection Executive Vice President and Chief of Staffs Lise Kingo has decided to leave Novo Nordisk. Her areas of responsibility will be taken over by other members of Executive Management. As from today:

- Corporate People & Organisation and Business Assurance report to Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen

- Corporate Stakeholder Engagement reports to Jakob Riis

- Corporate Communications reports to Lars Rebien Sørensen.

Following the above-mentioned changes, Novo Nordisk’s Executive Management is now composed as follows: Lars Rebien Sørensen, CEO (chief executive officer).
Kåre Schultz, president and COO (chief operating officer), responsible for Sales and Product Supply; Jesper Brandgaard, executive vice president and CFO (chief financial officer),responsible for Finance, Legal, and Investor Relations; Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen, executive vice president, responsible for Corporate IT, Corporate Quality, Corporate Development, Corporate People & Organisation and Business Assurance; Jakob Riis, executive vice president, responsible for Marketing, Medical Affairs and Corporate Stakeholder Engagement;  Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen, executive vice president and chief science officer, responsible for Research, Development and Regulatory Affairs.

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Is general: Yes