

Date: 2014-11-12

Type of information: Commercialisation agreement

Compound: HLA1 typing tests for transplantation

Company: Diaxonhit (France) One Lambda (USA - CA)

Therapeutic area: Transplantation - Diagnostic

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: transplantation


* On November 12, 2014, Diaxonhit, a French leader in specialty in-vitro diagnostics for transplantation, infectious diseases and cancer, announced on behalf of its affiliate, InGen, the renewal of the exclusive commercial partnership for the commercialization in France of diagnostic tests for transplantation developed by One Lambda, Inc. One Lambda develops and distributes several lines of HLA1 typing tests utilizing both serological and molecular technologies. It manufactures a comprehensive line of antibody detection products that have been designed to monitor transplant patients, both pre- and post-transplant. 
HLA tests marketed by Diaxonhit’s InGen are used to assess the compatibility between donor and recipient before transplantation, and to follow-up transplanted patients in order to monitor potential rejection and adjust immunosuppressive treatments accordingly. 

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes