

Date: 2014-10-28

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: companion diagnostics for ASP5878, a fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) inhibitor, and ASP8273, an EGFR inhibitor

Company: Qiagen (The Netherlands) Astellas Pharma (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


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*On October 28, 2014, Qiagen announced a master collaboration agreement with Astellas Pharma to develop and commercialize companion diagnostics paired with Astellas drugs for use in cancer and other diseases. The scope of the agreement is not restricted to certain sample types, platforms, indications or biomarkers, thereby giving Astellas access to Qiagen’s development capabilities for assays based on PCR, NGS and multi-modal testing technologies using liquid and tissue biopsies. Two initial projects in the collaboration focus on oncology and aim to pair QIAGEN diagnostics with Astellas compounds in early-stage clinical trials: ASP5878, a fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) inhibitor, and ASP8273, an EGFR inhibitor. 

The Astellas collaboration is Qiagen’s eighth framework agreement for developing companion diagnostics, underscoring the company\'s position as a preferred partner in personalized medicine. Qiagen has more than 20 collaborative projects with pharma and biotech companies to develop, validate and market companion diagnostics to guide the treatment of cancers and a variety of other diseases. 

Financial terms:

Financial terms were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes