

Date: 2014-10-21

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: remede® System

Company: Sorin (Italy) Respicardia (USA - MN)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases

Type agreement:


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The remede® System is an implantable medical device that was designed for improved respiratory rhythm management. The remede® System delivers electrical pulses at night, during sleep, to restore a more normal breathing pattern and improve cardiovascular health in patients with Central Sleep Apnea. The remede® System consists of an implantable pulse generator, implantable leads, and an external system programmer.



* On October 21, 2014, Sorin Group, a global medical device company and a leader in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, announced  a $20 million minority investment in Respicardia, a developer of implantable therapies to improve Respiratory Rhythm Management™. Under the terms of the transaction, Sorin also acquired the exclusive right to distribute the remede® System for the next five years in selected countries in Europe and an exclusive option to acquire Respicardia in the future.

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Is general: Yes