

Date: 2014-10-13

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: teriparatide (biosimilar version of Forsteo®)

Company: Stada (Germany) Richter-Helm BioTec GmbH & Co (Germany)

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* On October 13, 2014, Stada Arzneimittel AG in-licenses teriparatide and thereby once again expands its biosimilar portfolio. The teriparatide biosimilar is being developed by Richter-Helm BioTec GmbH & Co. KG,  the biotechnology joint venture of Gedeon Richter. The biosimilar is to be launched under the STADA label throughout Europe following the expiration of the patent of the original product Forsteo®. Under the terms of the agreement, in addition to a payment at the signing of the contract, Stada is obliged to make further payments each depending on the progress of the project. With the start of marketing, Stada will report the resulting sales and make license payments to Richter-Helm. Stada expects to launch teriparatide on the market in 2019 and thereby expand its existing range of biosimilars by an additional active ingredient. As early as 2008 the Stada sales company cell pharm began selling Silapo with the active ingredient epoetin zeta. This year, the wholly owned subsidiary cell pharm launched the filgrastim product Grastofil®.

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Is general: Yes