

Date: 2014-10-10

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: chief financial officer

Company: Ipsen (France)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: nomination

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  • • On October 10, 2014, Ipsen announced the appointment of Aymeric Le Chatelier as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer effective as of 3 November 2014. He will report directly to Marc de Garidel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and to Christel Bories, Deputy Chief Executive Officer. He will be a member of the Chairman Committee and of the Executive Committee. Aymeric Le Chatelier, 45-years old, a graduate from HEC, started his career at Arthur Andersen audit firm in 1993. He became internal auditor first at Lagardère group in 1997 and then at Vivendi group in 1998. From 1999, he successively assumed several responsibilities in finance management in France and the United States within Veolia Environnement, notably as Deputy Chief Financial Officer of Veolia Water in 2004-2005. In 2006, he joined Arjowiggins group, a leading manufacturer of creative and technical paper, and was nominated Group Chief Financial Officer in 2009. In 2013, Aymeric Le Chatelier was nominated Financial Director of ERDF (electricity French distribution network company of EDF) and in 2014, he became member of the Management Board in charge of Finance and Sourcing within ERDF.

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Is general: Yes