

Date: 2014-09-30

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: ILast®, Macula-Z-Oro, preservative-free Vitamine B12 eye drops

Company: NovaMedica (Russia) Horus Pharma (France)

Therapeutic area: Ophtalmological diseases

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* On September 30, 2014, NovaMedica, a Russian pharmaceutical company, and Horus Pharma, a French company dedicated to the development of innovative products treating ophthalmic diseases, have signed a partnership agreement that grants NovaMedica exclusive rights to commercialize a portfolio of products in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Products include: hylaluronic acid containing ILast® to assist healing of the eyelids following surgery; easy to swallow Macula-Z-Oro combining essential vitamins for eye health Antiseptic; and single dose and preservative-free Vitamine B12 eye drops to promote healing.

The first sales from this portfolio of products are expected in 2015, and NovaMedica will have the option to commercialize future Horus Pharma products currently under development with special focus on glaucoma treatment.

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Is general: Yes