

Date: 2014-10-07

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: United Life Sciences

Company: BIA (UK) Bionow (UK) BioPartner (UK) One Nucleus (UK)

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* On October 7, 2014, the BioIndustry Association (BIA), Bionow, BioPartner and One Nucleus (ON) announced the formation of United Life Sciences, a strategic partnership representing over 1000 life science and healthcare members across the UK and internationally. The aim of the partnership is to work together on a range of matters that directly benefit members and the wider UK sector. The partnership also publishes the Life Sciences Manifesto 2015 – 2020 which is being launched at the BIA’s UK Bioscience Forum in London. Led by the BIA, the four organisations have worked closely together on the Manifesto to pinpoint the key issues for the sector and make policy recommendations to government. Its three core messages to policy makers are: retain focus on strategically important technologies such as regenerative medicine and synthetic biology, which hold great potential to benefit the UK economy; ensure a supportive tax and finance environment through continuing policies such as the Biomedical Catalyst, R&D Tax Credits and the Patent Box; and support new flexible routes to licensing, evaluation, uptake and reimbursement of cutting edge medicines and treatments to facilitate swift patient access. A centrally funded and reimbursed Early Access to Medicines Scheme and full utilisation of the European Medicine Agency’s Adaptive Licensing pilot will be required to achieve this aim.

Going forward United Life Sciences will hold a series of UK roadshows to enable early stage companies to access capital, understand the evolving policy landscape and grow their businesses; promote and provide discounts for members on each other’s events; and work together to provide a combined approach at large international events.The group has been working closely together informally for two years, and has already hosted many joint events both in the UK and overseas. The partnership will also be seeking new ways to collaborate with others in the sector.

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Is general: Yes