

Date: 2014-10-06

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: triazole nucleoside derivatives (TND) and companion diagnostic test

Company: CleveXel Pharma (France) SATT SE (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: azacitidine-resistant myelodysplastic syndromes


* On October 6, 2014, the pharmaceutical developer CleveXel Pharma announced that it has been granted a license by the SATT Sud Est, a technology transfer accelerator in South Eastern France (Societe d’Acceleration du Transfert de Technologies Sud Est), to exploit two patents. The license arose from SATT Sud Est development efforts and €260,000 (USD 334,000) of funding. Under the terms of the agreement, CleveXel Pharma will pay a percentage of all revenue to SATT Sud Est. This will vary depending on the stage of development reached. The first patent relates to the use of triazole nucleoside derivatives (TND) in the treatment of cancer, particularly azacitidine-resistant myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) that may also develop into acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The second patent concerns a companion diagnostic test to identify the patients who are resistant to the standard treatment; azacitidine.

This project is the result of collaboration between three teams. The first one is led by Dr Patrick Auberger, director of the C3M (Mediterranean Center for Molecular Medicine, a reference center for oncology research founded by the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research and the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis). The second team is headed by Dr Rachid Benhida, deputy director of the Institut de Chimie (institute of chemistry) in Nice (ICN). Dr Thomas Cluzeau, a hematology resident at Nice university teaching hospital has also been involved. This is the 20th pharmaceutical contract granted by SATT Sud Est. Since it was established in 2012, SATT Sud Est has granted about 30 licenses. This project is also supported by MATWIN (Maturation and Accelerating Translation With INdustry), a French national sourcing and support program for oncology research projects. 

Financial terms:

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