

Date: 2014-10-01

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: new medicines from the marine arctic environment

Company: The Lead Discovery Center (LDC) (Germany) UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway)

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* On October 1, 2014, The Lead Discovery Center (LDC) and UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) have teamed up to discover new medicines from the marine arctic environment. The partners will focus on human diseases with high unmet medical need. UiT has gathered unique natural product libraries from all kinds of organisms living in the Arctic Sea, an unparalleled source for bioactives highly interesting for drug discovery. Under the terms of the agreement, the LDC may use the UiT library for screening purposes using targets sourced from its academic network. In addition, the partners intend to initiate joint drug discovery and development projects based on UiT targets. The partners will cooperate closely from the target selection stage through to the commercialization of resulting leads, with the UiT contributing project-specific expertise, its libraries and financial resources, and the LDC adding its comprehensive drug discovery and development know-how, together with its first-tier industry network. Potential revenues from commercialization will be shared between the partners. The collaboration is initially planned for a period of five years.

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Is general: Yes