

Date: 2014-10-15

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: health care technologies, maintenance services and planning and consultancy services

Company: Philips (The Netherlands) hospital Reinier de Graaf (The Netherlands)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement:


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* On October 15, 2014, Royal Philips and hospital Reinier de Graaf, Delft, the Netherlands, announced the signing of a 15-year partnership to improve the delivery of care and the patient experience at the 622-bed Dutch hospital. The agreement covers the group’s four hospital sites, including a new facility due to open in August 2015, which together serve a patient population of 251,000. The partnership provides the sites with access to the latest health care technologies, maintenance services and innovative planning and consultancy services to enhance patient outcomes and improve operational performance with pre-determined monthly operational costs. The agreement encompasses Philips’ diagnostic and interventional imaging systems and clinical informatics solutions. As an accountable business partner, Philips will work together with the hospital group to design and deploy cost-efficient equipment utilization strategies. Resident Philips engineers will work side by side with hospital staff to maximize uptime and enhance the hospital’s operations. Diagnostic and therapeutic capacity will be regularly aligned with variation in patient volumes, and the agreement will be adapted accordingly. In this way, the partnership caters for changing demographic and macro-economic developments and public health and care demand in terms of the hospitals’ clinical, operational and equipment needs, enabling the optimal level of patient care and operational efficiency. In addition to the delivery of new imaging equipment, the agreement also offers upgrades to prolong the lifecycle of existing imaging systems for optimal return on investments.


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Is general: Yes