

Date: 2014-09-23

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: manufacturing process for high performance influenza vaccines

Company: Calixar (France) VirPath (France)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

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Disease: influenza


* On September 23, 2014,  Calixar, a start-up providing services focused on membrane proteins, and VirPath, an academic lab specialized in the study of influenza viruses, announced a breakthrough in the manufacturing of high performance vaccines. Calixar has developed the technology and chemistry to split the virus’ membranes. The partners’ first new formulation of vaccine antigens is directed against the A H1N1 virus, also known as pandemic flu. This formulation showed high quality and performance compared to the blockbuster vaccines already on the market. VirPath’s egg-derived antigens formulations are at least six times more active than the marketed vaccines, in terms of hemagglutinin immunogenicity and in vivo protection. In parallel to this work, the partners are working on the native isolation of other antigens and preparing for the future development of universal vaccines, especially against influenza.

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Is general: Yes