

Date: 2014-10-06

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: cell-signaling technology

Company: Ariad Pharmaceuticals (USA - MA) Bellicum Pharmaceuticals (USA - TX)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement:


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* On October 6, 2014, Ariad Pharmaceuticals and Bellicum Pharmaceuticals announced a restructuring of their license agreement for Ariad\'s cell-signaling technology. Ariad will receive $50 million in exchange for a fully paid up license to this technology and return of its equity stake in closely held Bellicum. The scope of the license and the field of use were also expanded as part of the amendment. The restructured agreement gives Bellicum a worldwide exclusive license to ARIAD\'s cell-signaling technology for broad use in human cell therapies for all diseases on a royalty- and milestone-free basis. Ariad\'s technology involves the use of a small-molecule drug, such as AP1903, to activate cell signaling and other cellular events. Bellicum is developing controllable stem-cell transplant, chimeric-antigen receptor (CAR) T cell and cancer vaccine product candidates in a variety of blood and solid tumor cancers and in non-malignant genetic diseases.



Financial terms:

Under the terms of the revised agreement, Ariad will receive $50 million in three installments: $15 million upon signing of the agreement, $20 million by June 30, 2015 , and $15 million by June 30, 2016 . The last payment may be accelerated to the fourth quarter of 2015 under certain circumstances.

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Is general: Yes