

Date: 2014-09-24

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: Morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G)

Company: Paion (Germany) Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical (China)

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) is an active potent metabolite of morphine which may offer therapeutic advantages over morphine, the current gold standard for the treatment of moderate to severe post-operative pain, in having an equivalent analgesic effect, but with a reduced potential to cause side-effects such as nausea and vomiting. Clinical trials have shown that M6G given intravenously can induce analgesia equivalent to morphine in the treatment of moderate to severe post-operative pain. These studies, along with those published in the scientific literature, suggest that M6G also induces less post operative nausea and vomiting compared with morphine, as well as less sedation and respiratory depression. Two Phase III trials have been completed with M6G.

Disease: peri-operative pain


* On 24 September 2014, Paion, a specialty pharma company and Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co have entered into a license agreement for M6G which gives Yichang an exclusive licence under Paion\'s know-how regarding M6G for the development, manufacture and commercialization in the territory of People\'s Republic of China. Yichang intends to develop and commercialize M6G for peri-operative pain for the Chinese Market. Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical is the largest company to develop and produce narcotic products in China. Paion and Yichang have already signed a licensing agreement two years ago. This previous agreement gives Yichang a licence for the development, manufacture and commercialization of remimazolam in the territory of People\'s Republic of China.

Financial terms:

By concluding the license Paion receives payments totalling € 1.6 million. € 0.8 million is due through today\'s signing of the license
agreement. The remaining payments are due upon reaching certain development milestones in the next 1.5 years.

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