

Date: 2014-09-02

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: anti-malarial products

Company: CleveXel Pharma (France) Guilin Pharmaceutical (China)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: malaria


* On September 2, 2014, CleveXel Pharma announced that the company has entered into a new partnering agreement with Guilin Pharmaceutical, a Chinese company located in Shanghai, regarding the development of two new products. Guilin Pharmaceutical, a member of Fosun Pharma, is the first Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturer approved by the World Health Organization. It is also China’s largest artemisinin based anti-malarial drug producer.
This new work complements two other projects between the partners, which started in 2013. The purpose of the latest venture is to increase anti-malarial manufacturing across three active units. 
Technological project portfolios represent one fifth of CleveXel Pharma’s current activity. “Clevexel Pharma will use its innovative formulation development, including process optimization and industrial transfer, on these new projects. We are delighted to further collaborate with Guilin Pharmaceutical, which leads the way in anti-malarials for the Chinese and African markets,” said Christian Bloy, CEO of CleveXel Pharma.

Financial terms:

The risks and costs of development will be split between each company, along with the expected commercial success and associated royalties. As compensation for the development work undertaken by CleveXel Pharma, Guilin Pharmaceutical will pay development milestones to CleveXel Pharma and a royalty based on Guilin Pharmaceutical’s net sales.

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