

Date: 2014-09-03

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Cerenis Therapeutics (France)

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* On September 3, 2014, Cerenis Therapeutics, the biopharmaceutical company developing CER-001, an engineered human apoA-I-containing pre-β HDL mimetic for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, announced the appointment of Richard C. Pasternak, MD, as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He will take over from Dr. Jean-Pierre Garnier, who is stepping down for personal reasons. The appointment is effective immediately.
Dr. Pasternak has spent the last 35 years as an academic and biopharmaceutical clinician-scientist, with a long-standing research interest in vascular disease, lipid disorders and atherosclerosis, as well as prevention and patterns of practice and disease management. He has been a Non-Executive Director on Cerenis’ board since November 2011. He is also a Professor at the Weill Cornell Medical College and a Senior Advisor to the Healthcare Venture firm Bay City Capital. He serves on the Boards of the Founder’s Affiliate of the American Heart Association, the Association of Black Cardiologists, and Essentialis Therapeutics where he was acting CEO in 2012-3.
Previously, Dr. Pasternak was Vice President, Clinical Research and Head Cardiovascular Therapeutic Area, and Vice President, Head of Global Scientific Affairs and Scientific Leadership at Merck & Co. from 2004 to 2010. He served as a key senior executive for Merck regarding critical issues related to worldwide scientific affairs, strategic business development issues, regulatory affairs, medical affairs, and political affairs.

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